BSP Stainless Steel

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Зарегистрирован: 16 май 2019, 04:02
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BSP Stainless Steel

Сообщение xiao5xiao » 16 май 2019, 04:05

Our History
Though the history of Delphi Fittings spans more than two decades, the same values on which the company was built remain relevant today. Company founder Allen Pan sought to create a business which provided reliable products at competitive prices. A company that made customer service a primary goal.
Our Service
Since 1998, Delphi Fittings has thrived in an industry that demands quality. And while providing quality products has been essential to our success, we believe our commitment to superior customer service has been key to the leadership position we maintain today.
Our Products
Delphi Fittings is your premier source for hydraulic adapters and hydraulic fitting products. We offer the broadest range of adapters in the industry - more than 4,000 different configurations! We carry Brass, Steel Stainless Steel, Metric, Flange, O-ring Face Seal adapters and Flanges, from 1/16" to 3", with pressure capabilities, that meet or exceed all SAE standards.
Quick Facts
Company Name:Yuhuan Dongfei Machinery Co., Ltd.
DBA "Delphi Fittings"
Location:Yuhuan, Zhejiang Province, China
Port of Occean Shipping:Ningbo
Closest Airport:Wenzhou Airport
Products:Hydraulic fittings and adpaters
Standards:SAE, BS, JIC
Sizes:2# - 32#
Materials:Forged Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Brass
(Our stainless steel parts are of superior quality)
Manufacturing Base:290625 Square Foot, 200+ Workers
Equipment:Punching, Forging, Cutting, etc.
400+ Machines
including 200+ CNC Machines
Quality Management:ISO 9001:2015
Surface Plating:Meets ROSH Requirements
Global Markets:USA, Europe, China and Other Asian countriesBSP Stainless Steel

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