Hardwood Plywood price

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Зарегистрирован: 08 апр 2019, 08:23
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Hardwood Plywood price

Сообщение zhebaby0812 » 08 апр 2019, 08:32

Plastic Faced Plywood

Jitong Plastic faced plywood commonly known as PPR hardwood plywood, is also widely used in concrete construction process.
The core of Jitong PPR plywood is made of birch, the veneer alternate layer by layer to make it resistant to cracking, shrinkage , and warping.

PPR filmed faced the surface, its Polypropylene Random material, with the best characteristics to increase waterproof under moisture and wet environment. This plastic faced plywood can be reused more than 30 times, so its best choice to building project more than 28 floors. Among the plastic faced plywood plies, there is phenol glue to make them fasten together, all these result to good performance of building concrete process install and stripping.
Jitong Plastic faced plywood is a bit higher cost than others, that point keep customers a bit away to choose it than other paper film faced plywood.
Hardwood Plywood price

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