Insulation Material manufacturers

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Зарегистрирован: 18 июн 2019, 03:42
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Insulation Material manufacturers

Сообщение aluminumrelay » 18 июн 2019, 03:46

Product Introduction Of The PERFORATED FOIL FACING
Perforated foil facing is chosen when the acoustic insulation is required to be fastened to the visible underside of a concrete slab where high acoustics are required.
Perforated foil facing is not a new invention but it is becoming very popular in building insulation. It is used to reflect heat where you want it, just like a thermos, hot sides stay hot and cold sides stay cold. By reflecting Radiant Energy back into the home radiant barrier insulation can significantly improve the heat loss of the insulation system.
Product Construction
FSK-7160APFoil: 7 micron/ 3-ways scrim (8x12 threads/100mm)/ Polyethylene/ 60gsm Kraft paper
Hole diameter: 1.6mm, space between holes: 4mm
FSK-7160BPFoil: 7 micron/ 2-ways scrim (12.5x12.5 mm)/ Polyethylene/ 60gsm Kraft paper
Hole diameter: 1.6mm, space between holes: 4mm
FSKV-7160APFoil: 7 micron/ 3-ways scrim (8x12 threads/100mm)/ Polyethylene/ 60gsm Kraft paper/ Polyethylene
Hole diameter: 1.6mm, space between holes: 4mm
FSKV-7160BPFoil: 7 micron/ 2-ways scrim (12.5x12.5 mm)/ Polyethylene/ 60gsm Kraft paper/ Polyethylene
Hole diameter: 1.6mm, space between holes: 4mm
DFC-1001APFoil: 7 micron/ 3-ways scrim (8x12 threads/100mm)/ Polyethylene/ 60gsmKraft paper/ Polyethylene/ Foil:7micron
Hole diameter: 1.6mm, space between holes: 4mm
Product Feature And Application Of The PERFORATED FOIL FACING
The hold diameter can be customized
Kraft paper standard weight is 25gsm, 50gsm and 60gsm.
Typical width: 1.0m、1.1m、1.2m、1.25m、1.3m
Length: 100m、300m、1000m
Inner core: 76mm
Perforation through FSK series and heat sealing series and double sided reflective foil, mainly used as vapor barrier with foam insulation, also as sarking and insulation under roofs, timber floors. And reduction noise absorption for industrial building。
Production Details Of The PERFORATED FOIL FACING
Packing & shipping Insulation Material manufacturers

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